Leet Family.

with a family this good looking, how do i narrow it down?
well, i just closed my eyes and picked these ones because i knew they would not disappoint.
i am dying over baby's bottom lip in the shot below.

thanks for the fun times.

catching up...

don't give up on me just yet.
i'm still adjusting to working and having two kids and i'm very behind on this blog.
i've got a late night ahead of me staring at this screen...
...at least i have cute faces to look at. :)


...another beautiful senior.

...and she brought along her bff.
you may remember ashley from this shoot.
these girls are so photogenic.

kelly's eyes are that blue. they just pop.
loved this one of ashley.
i was telling them to flirt with the camera. ha. i think it worked.

so...i will be having a baby tomorrow (!) and as much as i need to catch up on this blog from all of the recent photo shoots i have been up to...it will probably be neglected for a bit.
who knows though, i may surprise you.
i am taking off june and july and will be back to work in august.
i will be taking a limited number of shoots each month so stay tuned for the updated schedule.
(once i figure it out!)

yeah for summer!


i've known this girl since she was a baby and i think that's when she starting singing and stealing the show.
she is a talented one and needed some updated headshots for her acting career.

karly + dave.

these two california love birds wanted to take some less formal engagements along with their formal utah engagements. 
i think we found just the spot in downtown laguna.

oh love. you've done it again.